Some women will ovulate occasionally rather than regularly or not at all.
Very often these women will have irregular and sporadic menstrual cycles.
This can often be treated simply with a tablet called Clomid/Serophene.
Some people will not respond to this and will require daily injections of gonadotrophic hormones.
These are known by the trade name of Puregon or Gonal F. This is a highly effective treatment.
There is an increased risk of multiple pregnancy with this treatment and it is usual to monitor this with ultrasound assessment and / or blood tests to avoid this.
One can generally achieve pregnancy rates of approximately 70% over a few cycles of treatment.
Some of these patients may have other problems with their fertility which necessitates more complex approaches.

In our society 5-10% of couples have difficulty conceiving.
Common Causes of Infertility
When should I seek advice about fertility?
If any of these apply to you, please make an appointment to see us at Coastal IVF.
- Have you been trying to conceive for more than 6 months?
- Have you been diagnosed with endometriosis?
- Has your partner had a vasectomy?
- Are you over the age of 35?
- Is your menstrual cycle short, irregular or prolonged
Did you know? Failure to conceive is often the only symptom of endometriosis. Early investigation means early diagnosis and more effective treatment.